Networks & Initiatives

Building Partnerships for a Sustainable Infrastructure- an initiative by BMU

(January 15-18, 2018)

On behalf of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU), the German-Philippine Chamber facilitated a Capacity Building Training on Waste Water Management Technology and Water Efficiency Measures to support compliance of the industry with the new DENR Administrative Order 2016-08 on water quality guidelines and general effluent standards.

In cooperation with the Philippine Chamber of Commerce (PCCI) and the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), trainings in Taguig and Tagaytay were executed, in January 2018, which gathered 80 company representatives from various industries.

It is not just the lack of financial resources but the technological knowledge that challenges SMEs to apply the new regulations to their business practices. Often, high investments are not needed to increase the waste water quality. Therefore, the compliance training provides SMEs with possible water efficiency approaches and technology solutions based on German technology to increase their competitiveness as well as to improve their sustainability in the market.

The Training

Torsten Lingner, project manager at Sachsen Wasser GmbH, Germany presented important information regarding the new regulations of the DENR AO 2016-08 to Philippine SMEs as well as discussed efficient wastewater treatment techniques for application and implementation of the Compliance Action Plan (CAP) with the support of DENR and PCCI during a two day training in Taguig and Tagaytay.


  • Basics of wastewater management and technologies 
  • Standalone wastewater treatment solutions (high-tech)
  • Cleaner production approaches for SMEs
  • Guidelines for the Compliance Action Plan

Photos from Training in Taguig

Waste Water Compliance Training Capability Building for Philippine SMEs in Tagaytay City

Photos from Training in Tagaytay

Waste Water Compliance Training Capability Building for Philippine SMEs in Taguig City

The ExperTS-Programme

The targeted placement of integrated experts by the Centre for International Migration and Development (CIM) brings benefits both for foreign trade promotion and German development cooperation.

The aim of the ExperTS-Programme is to link the activities of the German private sector in developing and emerging countries more closely to the objectives of Germany’s development policies. To this end, CIM places experts in areas such as energy consulting, technology transfer and vocational education at the German Chambers of Commerce (AHKs) around the world. As employees of the German Chambers of Commerce, Delegations of German Industry and Commerce and bilateral business associations, they advise companies on partnership opportunities with the German development cooperation.

The ExperTS-Programme is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).

Your Benefits:

  • We help you to develop new markets in developing and emerging countries
  • We offer additional services: take advantage of our advisory services on BMZ funding opportunities
  • We support you in your commitment to strengthening the local economy and to contribute to the sustainable development of the host country
  • We help you establish contact with German organizations, with regards to German development cooperation


Whether the aim is to provide training for local employees, promote the use of climate-friendly technologies or improve social standards at production facilities – the objectives of private enterprises and actors involved in development cooperation often overlap. was set up by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) to foster the involvement of the private sector at the point where business opportunities and development policy initiatives intersect.

The Program


Through the program, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) provides companies investing in developing and emerging countries with financial and, if required, also professional support. The company is responsible for covering at least half of the overall costs; BMZ contributes up to a maximum of EUR 200,000. These development partnerships with the private sector may last up to a maximum of three years and cover a wide variety of areas and topics – from eco-certification in Serbia to vocational training in India.

BMZ has appointed three public partners to implement the programme on its behalf: DEG – Deutsche Investitions- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbH, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH and sequa gGmbH. Companies taking part in always cooperate with one of these public partners. Since the launch of the programme in 1999, DEG, GIZ and sequa have realised over 1,500 development partnerships with German and European companies.

Companies are invited to register their interest with DEG, GIZ or sequa by participating in one of the ideas competition held four times a year. These are open to all German and European companies and their subsidiaries in developing countries and emerging economies.

Development partnerships with the private sector that have the potential to achieve outstanding development benefits and involve several countries may receive more generous funding beyond the scope of the ideas competitions as Strategic Development Partnerships.


CSR Germany - Deutsche Unternehmen tragen gesellschaftliche Verantwortung

Dieses Internetportal der vier Spitzenorganisationen der deutschen Wirtschaft - BDA, BDI, DIHK und ZDH - zeigt das umfassende gesellschaftliche Engagement der Unternehmen, schafft ein Netzwerk und fördert den Erfahrungsaustausch.

Die Bundesvereinigung der Deutschen Arbeitgeberverbände (BDA), der Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie (BDI), der Deutsche Industrie- und Handelskammertag (DIHK) und der Zentralverband des Deutschen Handwerks (ZDH) sind die Spitzenorganisationen der deutschen Wirtschaft. Sie sind Dienstleister und Interessensvertretung ihrer Mitgliedsverbände und der in ihnen zusammengeschlossenen Unternehmen.

BDA, BDI, DIHK und ZDH betrachteten Corporate Social Responsibility als ein prioritäres Thema und sehen in CSR den Beitrag der Unternehmen zur Verwirklichung des Konzeptes zur nachhaltigen Entwicklung. Die Spitzenverbände engagieren sich schon seit langem politisch auf nationaler und internationaler Ebene, um den Unternehmen die notwendige Unterstützung für ihr freiwilliges und eigenverantwortliches Engagement zu geben.

Human Rights and Business Dilemmas Forum

CSR Germany is the corporate social responsibility platform of the four leading German business organizations (BDA, BDI, DIHK, ZDH) and its members, being committed to the betterment of the society reaching beyond their legal obligations.

CSR Germany offers the companies the possibility to link up with a network in order to promote the exchange of experience; present their CSR activities to a wider public; obtain information about backgrounds, recent developments and trends.

More information here (PDF)

German website: