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CREATE MORE Act Dialogue: Unlocking MORE Opportunities for Economic Transformation

  • Event

To unlock the full potential of the CREATE MORE Act, the German-Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GPCCI) Policy and Advocacy Committee is hosting a dialogue. This event will delve into the law's salient features, explore new opportunities for investors and registered business enterprises, and provide valuable insights to support informed decision-making.

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The German-Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry Inc. invites you to the

CREATE MORE Act Dialogue: Unlocking MORE Opportunities for Economic Transformation

7 May 2025, 4:00 – 5:30 PM

German Club, Makati City


The CREATE MORE Act (Republic Act No. 12066) builds on the Corporate Recovery and Tax Incentives for Enterprises (CREATE) Act to further enhance the Philippines' economic competitiveness. Officially titled CREATE Maximize Opportunities for Reinvigorating the Economy (MORE), this legislation refines tax and incentive policies to adapt to evolving global market demands, boost investor confidence, and attract investments in critical sectors. By streamlining business processes and focusing on key industries, it aims to drive sustained economic growth and strengthen the Philippines' position as a leading investment destination in the region.

Registration Fee
Non-MemberPhp 1,000
Non-Member - credit card payment (includes 6.4% convenience fee + PHP 20.00 platform fee)Php 1,084

Note: Event participation for members is free.

Meals are charged directly to participants upon ordering at the Club.

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