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GPCCI ITC Data Protection Dialogue: "Strengthening Privacy in the Digital Age"

  • Event

In today's digital landscape, data protection is a critical pillar for businesses and institutions. The Philippine Data Privacy Act of 2012 (Republic Act No. 10173) serves as the country's cornerstone legislation for protecting individual privacy and ensuring compliance with international standards. As organizations increasingly embrace digital transformation, maintaining robust data protection practices has become essential for safeguarding sensitive information and fostering trust.

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The German-Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GPCCI) IT Committee is hosting a briefing to explore advancements, trends, and challenges in data protection. This event will provide participants with a comprehensive overview of data privacy compliance, emerging global trends, and actionable strategies for addressing evolving data security risks.


GPCCI ITC Data Protection Dialogue:

"Strengthening Privacy in the Digital Age"

19 March 2025, 16:00

German Club Manila

Note: Event participation is free. Meals are charged directly to participants upon ordering at the Club.



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