AHK News
Dual Training

PAVE Back-to-Back Examinations: Rising high with stronger Industry Back-up!


Through a stronger integration of Service Technicians from PGA Cars, Inc. as examiners, the quality of the Porsche Aftersales Vocational Education (PAVE) program - supported by GPCCI – is even further enhanced. This can be seen in the recently conducted examinations of the 4th and 6th batch:

The increased duality of the PAVE program creates a holistic training approach that prepared the students of the 4th batch for their sophisticated final examination and the 6th batch for their midterm examination. GPCCI is proud to announce that all 34 trainees passed the final exam. “We are ready to jumpstart our career as Automotive Aftersales Mechatronics for Porsche and we look much forward to our deployment.”, says one of the graduates.

Now, aside from the state-of-the-art car workshop at the Don Bosco Technical Institute Makati, PAVE further includes the company as a training ground. The industry partner PGA Cars, Inc. provides on-the-job training for trainees and increases the duality of the program based on German standards and where proudly included to the PAVE/AHK Examination Board.

In addition, more professionals from the industry are included in the examination conducted by GPCCI as neutral examiners following the German dual vocational training system.

Within the PAVE program, GPCCI serves as quality assurer and strategic consultant. To reach German training standards,  the chamber guarantees the validity of scores, identifies and trains examiners in terms of objectivity <link en news news-details german-senior-expert-supports-vocational-training-program-at-don-bosco-1 _blank>and recently arranged the placement of a German expert from the <link en services education-training ses-senior-experten-service _blank>Senior Expert Service (SES) to upgrade teachers in their practical teaching skills and lesson planning.

In the last newsletter, GPCCI updated you about the <link en news news-details gpcci-pave-knowledge-transfer-to-south-africa _blank>Knowledge Transfer to the German Chamber in South Africa.

For more information about our <link en services hr-support-training _blank>training services and workshop portfolio, you may contact Mr. Tobias Petersen under tobias.petersen(at)gpcci.org.