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Info & Events Hub

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    Joint Maritime Committee Meeting for February

    The Joint Maritime Committee (JMC) of the Dutch Chamber of Commerce in the Philippines (DCCP), the French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in the Philippines (CCIFP), the German-Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GPCCI), the Italian Chamber of Commerce in the Philippines, Inc. (ICCPI), the Nordic Chamber of Commerce in the Philippines (NordCham), and the Philippines Norway Business Council (PNBC), would like to invite you to the upcoming Joint Maritime Committee Meeting for February.

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    GPCCI ITC Data Protection Dialogue: "Strengthening Privacy in the Digital Age"

    In today's digital landscape, data protection is a critical pillar for businesses and institutions. The Philippine Data Privacy Act of 2012 (Republic Act No. 10173) serves as the country's cornerstone legislation for protecting individual privacy and ensuring compliance with international standards. As organizations increasingly embrace digital transformation, maintaining robust data protection practices has become essential for safeguarding sensitive information and fostering trust.

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    German-Philippine Business Insights

    This publication covers business columns and industry reports on the latest socioeconomic trends in the Philippines and the international business community.

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    AHK Business Outlook Survey Results Archive (2020-2024)

    The AHK World Business Outlook Survey is based on a regular DIHK survey among member companies of the German Chambers of Commerce Abroad, delegations and representative offices (AHKs).