Nicole Ramos
Senior Manager Trade Promotion Trade Promotion
+63 (2) 8519 8110 nicole.ramos@gpcci.orgThe German-Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry Inc (GPCCI) would like to invite you to the German-Philippine conference on
Medical Technology and Digital Health
on Tuesday, 06 May, 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
at the Makati Shangri-la | Manila AB
Disclaimer: Please note that due to limited capacity, we will be accepting two representatives per company only. GPCCI also reserves the right to decline registration applications.
The conference is part of the German business delegation on Medical Technology and Digital Health where seven German firms will be visiting the Philippines to explore market opportunities and connect with potential partners. The program is under the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK).
For more information, please visit the GlueUp event page.
For Conference and Registration Matters, please contact Ms. Nicole Ramos.
For B2B Matters, please contact Mr. Erik Feustel.
Senior Manager Trade Promotion Trade Promotion
+63 (2) 8519 8110