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GPCCI supports replication of Dual Education and Training efforts


On November 19, Jana Everett, GPCCI’s Kto12 PLUS Project Director introduced the Industry Immersion Guidebook to some 100 participants from the academe and industry during a Dual Education and Training Stakeholder Engagement Forum, organized by the Cebu Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

The Industry Immersion Guidebook is a blueprint to implement the Dual Education and Training (DET) approach – the alternate learning in the school and the company – in the framework of Philippines’ Senior High School. The newly introduced subject of work immersion, mandatory during 11th or 12th grade, opened the door for the Kto12 PLUS Project partners to pilot test the localization of DET elements.

Initiated by GPCCI and jointly developed with local and German cooperation partners, the Industry Immersion Guidebook identifies the DET stakeholders, their roles and responsibilities, and the distinct phases of a DET program.  As a practical reference book drawing from actual implementation experiences, the Kto12 PLUS Project partners envision schools and companies to be able to replicate and sustain their own DET programs.

Launched in September 2013, the Kto12 PLUS Project is an initiative of the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) to support the implementation of the Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013 (Republic Act 10533) in the Philippines. Often cited as one of the reasons for Germany’s low youth unemployment rate, DET supports the Department of Education’s vision that Senior High School graduates are work-ready.

GPCCI is one of partners under the Kto12 PLUS Project, lead by sequa gGmbH. Others include the Cebu Chamber of Commerce and Industry, supported by AFOS Foundation, the Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ).