
We advise and help you with the recognition of your professional qualifications for an easy start to your career in Germany.

Are you interested in working in Germany and need support with the recognition of your professional qualifications acquired abroad? We will be happy to help you!

The ProRecognition project, funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), has been established at nine AHK locations and is a contact and advice point for offering individual advice on the opportunities for professional recognition to skilled workers interested in immigrating while they are still in their country of origin. In addition, the project offers further support services to help skilled workers find their way into the German labor market.

Since 2024, this service has also been offered at the AHK Philippines. The AHK Philippines offers a personal consultation on all state-recognized professional educations, in which we examine your options for recognition of your professional qualifications in Germany.

We support you in compiling the documents and accompany you through the ongoing process. The AHK Philippines can also provide you with information on immigration opportunities in the German labor market.

If you would like a consultation, please fill out the following form and we will contact you in the coming week with an appointment.

Contact Form

Further Information

Requirements for our consultation

To participate in the counseling services of the ProRecognition project, you must have a state-recognized university degree or completed vocational training. 

Important websites

On the following websites you will find further relevant information on the recognition of your professional qualifications. 

  • BMBF - Federal Ministry of Education and Research
  • BAMF - Federal Office for Migration and Refugees
  • Bundesagentur für Arbeit - State agency for job placement in Germany
  • Anabin - Information portal on the assessment of foreign educational qualifications
  • Anerkennung in Deutschland - German information portal for the recognition of foreign professional qualifications
  • Make it in Germany - Information portal of the Federal Government for foreign skilled workers
  • IHK FOSA - Competence center of German chambers of industry and commerce for the evaluation and recognition of foreign vocational qualifications.