Dual Training
AHK News

From Culture Clash to the Best of Worlds


On the 8th of November, Philippine and German company representatives got together to learn what working in a German-Filipino Environment means. From the ones that freshly arrived to those who have experienced a multi-cultural work surrounding – different personalities with different expectations and challenges quickly grew together to work in an open exchange how to successfully pull into the same direction.

Stripped-off of hierarchy and bias, open discussions as well as practical exercises brought affirmation, understanding, discoveries and eye-openers. Under the coaches Victoria & Bjorn Martinoff of F1C International, all participants eagerly worked together to address their respective challenges. They were equipped with new understandings and skills on how to address barriers, see and avoid misunderstandings and learn something about themselves, their cultures and its differences along the way.

After a full-day of training certified by GPCCI, immediate positive feedback assured everyone was better set for a more efficient and less frustrating work life with more control.