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She Knows the Care You Need: The 2nd Economic Forum

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In celebration of Women's Month, The German-Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GPCCI) hosted the second Economic Forum for 2025 featuring women in healthcare with the German Embassy Manila, and German Club Manila.


Last 20 March 2025, GPCCI celebrated Women's Month by inviting Ms. Tisha Boatman, the Executive Vice President for Externals and Healthcare Access of Siemens Healthineers, to empower the second Economic Forum of 2025. 


Ms. Boatman travels the world to further push the progress of healthcare with a keen eye on women's healthcare by sharing her insights on key points for 2025. 


While Healthcare proves to be an initiative every individual is entitled to, a challenge comes in making care more accessible for all.  Globally, means to do so vary across regions further creating gap in providing care. She questions the definition of “Access to Care” when there are underserved communities that face high amounts of cost, some traveling hours by foot, car, or even by plane just to access healthcare.  


For women, non-communicable diseases are leading cause of death globally. Ms. Boatman urges the importance of early diagnosis as there are many in the world who suffered these diseases by having a diagnosis too late. She states that seconds, minutes, and even days are important in stopping these diseases from contracting before they can start. She implores everyone to be safe and take advantage of time.  


This raises the question of whether employers need to mandate their employees’ diagnosis testing.  Ms. Boatman stated that while it is important to keep everyone safe and highlight the importance of early diagnosis, she recommends that it be best for female employees to hear from a female voice. She also emphasized that employers must continue to be respectful of the decisions and comfortability of their employees when it comes to testing. 


Siemens Healthineers aim to strengthen their efforts on the local level through healthcare innovation using AI while addressing gender-gap healthcare challenges and actively easing the healthcare process in reimbursements on the international level.  


Inclusive Healthcare, especially women's care, in 2025 will continue to flourish. Despite the challenges, we continue to pursue addressing health inequalities around the world through innovation and partnership towards a better, affordable, and accessible healthcare system. 

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