Logo of German-Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry

German-Philippine Business Action Portal (GPBAP)

As part of the commitment of GPCCI to the partnership, the German-Philippine Business Action Portal (GPBAP) aims to gather concerns and feedback from the German-Philippine business community regarding their business transactions with various government agencies.

Resized GPBAP Logo
Access the portal through these links: 

As part of the commitment of GPCCI to the partnership, the German-Philippine Business Action Portal (GPBAP) aims to gather concerns and feedback from the German-Philippine business community regarding their business transactions with various government agencies.  

Should you encounter issues with this form or have any queries, please reach out to Ms. Isabelle Cebu, GPCCI Government Affairs Associate via gpbap@gpcci.org.


To know more about the GPBAP, its key features, and process, you may view its Handbook here:

Responsibilities of GPCCI 
Responsibilities of ARTA 
  • Receive complaints from its members which shall be properly and promptly endorsed to ARTA  
  • Assist in implementation of ease of doing business (EODB) Law 
  • Support, promote, and participate in seminars or webinars of ARTA to raise awareness in the business sector  
  • Act upon the complaints endorsed by GPCCI accordingly and promptly 
  • Provide trainings, seminars, or educational materials (pamphlets, booklets, and manuals) to apprise the Chamber and its members on latest updates on ARTA mandates or policies 
  • Seek recommendations for improvement of regulatory systems, policies, and procedures 

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