Training of Examiners

Independent examinations are important to assure the quality of dual vocational training measures. Depending on the training occupation or profile, AHK Philippines appoints an examination committee. The committee is staffed locally and considers the linguistic and intercultural peculiarities in the Philippines. 

AHK examiners must be knowledgeable in the examination topic, suitable for the examination system, and independent. The AHK appoints, registers, and supervises AHK examiners and trains them adequately for their work as examiners. The core components of that training are general and job-related examination methods and the proper evaluation of exam performances.  

The basis of the examiner training is the AHK examination regulation, which is used to provide basic training independent of the profession. The training content covers the examination regulations, examination methods, examination instruments and examination tasks, as well as the principles and guiding principles of examination. In addition, subject-specific training is provided to ensure the professional suitability of the AHK examiners in the specific examination areas.